Toys are children’s words, and play is their language.
— G. Landreth

As a Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor™, I have extensive specialized play therapy education, training, and supervised experience.

Association for Play Therapy ( defines play therapy as "the systematic use of a theoretical model to establish an interpersonal process wherein trained play therapists use the therapeutic powers of play to help clients prevent or resolve psychosocial difficulties and achieve optimal growth and development."    

The benefits of play therapy for children include:       

  • A safe place in which to express their thoughts and feelings.   

  • Facilitates the development of self esteem, problem-solving and coping skills. 

  •  Supports emotional healing and growth.       

  • Assists children with decision making skills and accepting responsibility.

  • Develops a child's ability to explore and practice social skills.

  • Fosters a child’s ability to make friends and to understand the world he or she lives in.

  • Allows children to discover their natural, inner resources for healing. 

  • Encourages children to be confident and focused.

  • Fosters imagination and creativity.

  •   A safe environment for children for whom talking is difficult.

    How does a prescriptive approach look in play therapy? The same way! In directive play therapy, I structure activities by providing selected play materials and encouraging the child client to use them in their work. In non-directive play therapy, I provide a variety of play materials in my therapy room and follow the child’s lead. My accepting approach encourages the child to try new and more appropriate ways of dealing with concerns.

    I have completed a six-month course on  Synergetic Play Therapy® (SPT). SPT is a model of play therapy that incorporates nervous system regulation, interpersonal neurobiology, attachment, and therapist authenticity into the play therapy process. Please visit for more information